Bandari班得瑞音乐合辑47CD下载 无损格式FLAC下载

Bandari班得瑞音乐合辑47CD下载 无损格式FLAC下载-无损音乐源
Bandari班得瑞音乐合辑47CD下载 无损格式FLAC下载


班得瑞是瑞士 AVC 公司旗下的一个新世纪音乐项目,而非传统意义上的演唱团体,以下是关于班得瑞的详细介绍:
班得瑞主要以录制和发行专辑的形式展现其音乐作品,自 1990 年推出第一张专辑《Wonderland 仙境》后,便持续在新世纪音乐领域耕耘,其专辑在亚洲尤其是中国大陆和台湾地区广受欢迎。1998 年起,中国台湾金革唱片开始引进代理发行班得瑞系列专辑,进一步扩大了其在华语地区的影响力,让更多人接触和喜爱上了这种清新自然的音乐风格。


  • 班得瑞的音乐以环境音乐、冥想音乐为主,其创作才华体现在多方面。一方面,他们擅长将自然之声与音乐完美融合,通过实地走访瑞士的罗春湖畔、玫瑰山麓、阿尔卑斯山等地,采集自然元音,如鸟鸣、流水、风声等,并运用高超的录音技术和编曲手法,将这些自然之声巧妙地融入到乐曲中,创造出逼真的自然氛围。
  • 另一方面,他们的原创作品以及对一些成名曲目的重新演绎,都展现出了独特的音乐构思和情感表达。例如在专辑《迷雾森林》中,《初雪》一曲用钢琴将雪的声音具象化,小调慢版的旋律搭配朦胧飘渺的弦乐,营造出了冬日初雪的惆怅氛围。


班得瑞的诞生源于 AVC 公司创始人彼得・博萨对音乐市场需求的敏锐洞察。1994 年,彼得・博萨注意到随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们渴望能有使人 “安静、沉思、放松” 的音乐,于是他创造了 “班得瑞” 这种音乐形式。尽管面临诸多困难,比如不会演奏乐器、没有独立音乐制作室,以及难以组建固定乐团等问题,但他聘请了德国著名音乐家奥利弗・施瓦尔茨作为音乐制作人,并邀请了 10 余位作曲家专门为 “班得瑞” 作曲,最终成功打造出了班得瑞这一独特的音乐品牌。


  • 自然纯净:强调自然之声与音乐的融合,给人一种仿佛置身于大自然中的纯净之感,让听众在聆听音乐的过程中能够放松身心,远离尘世的喧嚣。
  • 轻柔舒缓:节奏较慢且柔和,旋律优美动听,具有很强的安抚情绪的作用,能够缓解人们的紧张和焦虑,是很好的睡眠、减压音乐。
  • 空灵缥缈:编曲独特,运用超广角音场和空灵的音效,使音乐具有一种超凡脱俗的气质,让听众仿佛进入了一个梦幻般的音乐世界。


  • 《Wonderland 仙境》:作为班得瑞的首张专辑,创作初衷是为了打造一个能让人们逃离现实喧嚣,进入宁静、美妙的仙境的音乐空间。专辑中的曲目旋律优美,如《安妮的仙境》以其轻快的节奏和灵动的音符,仿佛带领听众进入了一个充满奇幻色彩的仙境之中,开启了班得瑞音乐的奇幻之旅。
  • 《Silence 寂静山林》:这张专辑旨在通过音乐描绘出山林间的寂静与神秘。创作过程中,音乐家们深入山林,采集自然声音,并运用细腻的编曲手法,将自然之美与音乐相融合。例如《寂静之声》以轻柔的钢琴旋律为主线,搭配若有若无的虫鸣声和风声,营造出一种万籁俱寂的氛围,让听众感受到山林的宁静与祥和。
  • 《Mist 迷雾森林》:创作灵感来源于瑞士的迷雾森林,那里的朦胧美感和神秘氛围给了音乐家们创作的灵感 。专辑中的《初雪》通过钢琴和弦乐的交织,将入冬后第一场雪的惆怅与期待表现得淋漓尽致,而《迷雾水珠》则以其灵动的旋律和清新的音效,仿佛让听众置身于迷雾弥漫的森林之中,感受着水珠的清凉与灵动。
  • 《Garden of Dreams 梦花园》:这是一张具有特殊意义的专辑,收录了 14 位新世纪音乐大师在乐坛上的旷世名曲,并进行了重新演绎。班得瑞以其独特的编曲风格和演奏技巧,为这些经典曲目注入了新的活力,展现了不同音乐风格之间的交流与融合,如苏珊希雅妮与齐豫合作的空灵名曲《流转起舞》,经班得瑞的重新演绎,更显空灵之美,为听众带来了一场华丽的音乐盛宴3.
  • 《Moonlight Bay 月光水岸》:以月光下的水岸为创作主题,营造出了一种宁静、浪漫的氛围。专辑中的音乐旋律优美,如《月光》一曲,以轻柔的钢琴声和波光粼粼的音效,描绘出了月光洒在水面上的唯美画面,让听众仿佛在月光下的水岸漫步,感受着那份宁静与浪漫。
  • 《Sunrise Hill 旭日之丘》:创作灵感源自清晨时分,太阳从山丘上升起的壮丽景象。专辑中的曲目充满了生机与活力,如《晨曦》以明亮的旋律和欢快的节奏,展现了日出时的蓬勃朝气和希望之光,给人以积极向上的力量。
  • 《Chinese Poem》:为了回馈亚洲乐迷的支持,班得瑞特别以中国为创作背景制作了这张专辑。在制作前,他们特地花了半年时间在中国各地景点名胜参访,体验民俗风情,并录制了具有中国风味的自然之声。专辑中的曲目如《盘古开天》《中国威尼斯》等,将中国传统文化元素与班得瑞的音乐风格相结合,展现了独特的音乐魅力。


01.African Winds.flac
02.Ballad Of The Highlands.flac
03.Blue Sky.flac
04.Forever In Faith.flac
05.Give Peace A Chance.flac
06.Love Dreams.flac
07.Love Is My World.flac
08.Moments Of Love.flac
09.Paradise Island.flac
10.Pole Star.flac
11.Sound Of The Waves.flac
13.Summer Feelings.flac
14.Victim Of Love.flac
15.Way Of Life.flac

01.Believe me if all those endearing young charm.flac
02.The Wind of Change.flac
03.Danny Boy.flac
04.Indian Dreams.flac
05.The Foggy Dew.flac
06.Annie’s Wonderland.flac
07.Childhood Memory.flac
08.Kiss of a Fairy.flac
10.The Book of Life.flac
11.Orinoco Dreams.flac
12.Woodland Night.flac
13.Starry Sky.flac
14.One Day in Spring.flac
15.Indian Summer.flac

01. Bandari – The River of Truth.flac
02. Bandari – Limerick.flac
03. Bandari – Sophia.flac
04. Bandari – Dreaming.flac
05. Bandari – Garden of Eden.flac
06. Bandari – Sunset Valley.flac
07. Bandari – Solar Winds.flac
08. Bandari – Birds of Paradise.flac
09. Bandari – The Golden Butterfly.flac
10. Bandari – Guardians of the Bridge.flac
11. Bandari – Morning Sun.flac
12. Bandari – Magic of the Trees.flac
13. Bandari – I Feel So Good.flac
14. Bandari – Forever In My Heart.flac

01. Hymn.flac
02. Good Morning Sunshine.flac
03. Moments of Love.flac
04. Behind the Horizon.flac
05. My Bonnie Is Over the Ocean.flac
06. Morning Air.flac
07. Song for the Lord.flac
08. Trilogy.flac
09. Zarabanda.flac
10. Imagine.flac
11. Springtime.flac
12. Moments of Fantasy.flac
13. La Provence.flac
14. One Moment In Time.flac
15. Slow Motion.flac

01. The Miracle of Your Eyes.flac
02. Annie’s Song.flac
03. Jupiter.flac
04. Moon Over Cairo.flac

01. Einsamer Hirte.flac
02. Green Leaves of Spring.flac
03. Mystica.flac
04. Into Red Velvet.flac
05. Fairyland.flac
06. La Valse D’Amélie.flac
07. Suddenly.flac
08. Melody of Love.flac
09. White Moon Over Tibet.flac
10. Moonlight of Capri.flac
11. Indian Dreams.flac
12. Angeles.flac
13. Heaven’s Gate.flac
14. Lauren.flac
15. Show Me Heaven.flac

01. The Sun In the Stream.flac
02. Quelques Notes Pour Anna.flac
03. Song of the Nightingale.flac
04. The Daylight.flac
05. Peaceful Life.flac
06. Windmills.flac
07. Jeux interdits.flac
08. Eleni.flac
09. Give Me Your Hand.flac
10. The First Snowflakes.flac
11. Moment of Goodbye.flac
12. Peace In Our Valley.flac
13. Visions.flac
14. Greensleeves.flac
15. Snow.flac

01. Into the West.flac
02. The Stars Above.flac
03. Theme of Universe.flac
04. Snowdreams.flac
05. Summer Feelings.flac
06. China Roses.flac
07. Big Big World.flac
08. Silver Bird.flac
09. Amarantine.flac
10. Little Mermaid.flac
11. Childhood Memory.flac
12. Excalibur.flac
13. Beyond the Clouds.flac
14. You Are Not Alone.flac

01. Pan’s Dream.flac
02. Peace of Oa.flac
03. Blue Lagoon.flac
04. Sound of the Waves.flac
05. Tell Him.flac
06. Portrait (Out of the Blue).flac
07. The Way of the Wind.flac
08. Un Jour D’été.flac
09. Star of Baghdad.flac
10. Endless Horizon.flac
11. Hold Me Now.flac
12. Turning.flac
13. Adagio In Minor.flac
14. Annie’s Wonderland.flac

01. Comptine D’un Autre été.flac
02. Indian Summerrain.flac
03. Forever Young.flac
04. Stars Over the Rainbow.flac
05. Mama.flac
06. One Day In Spring.flac
07. Neptun.flac
08. The Golden Land.flac
09. Siderial Hour.flac
10. The Wings of Icarus.flac
11. Just a Little Smile.flac
12. Luna.flac
13. Mountain Stream.flac
14. Island In the Sun.flac

01. Right Here Waiting.flac
02. Autumn Wind.flac
03. Blue Lagoon.flac
04. Tim’s Lullaby.flac
05. Dark Side of the Sun.flac
06. Serenade In Green.flac
07. Machu Picchu.flac
08. Kaleidoscope Skies.flac
09. I Dreamed a Dream.flac
10. Marco Polo.flac
11. Polestar.flac
12. Irish Greens.flac
13. Rudi’s Theme.flac
14. Fly Away.flac

01. El Condor Pasa.flac
02. Silence.flac
03. Raindrops On Your Face.flac
04. Golden Wings.flac
05. Leonardo Da Vinci.flac
06. Tears In Heaven.flac
07. On the Maya’s Trace.flac
08. The Last Unicorn.flac
09. The Deep Blue Sea.flac
10. Voices.flac
11. Viva Forever.flac
12. Ortaffa.flac
13. Goodbye Little Susy.flac
14. Heart of a Hero.flac

01. Bridge Over Troubled Water.flac
02. Beyond the Sundial.flac
03. No Man’s Land.flac
04. Hijo de la Luna.flac
05. Diamonds.flac
06. A New Day.flac
07. Melody of Hope.flac
08. Soleado.flac
09. Secrets of Love.flac
10. Give Peace a Chance.flac
11. Marie.flac
12. October.flac
13. The Golden Temple.flac
14. Heal the World.flac

01. Bandari – Eternal Ring.flac
02. Bandari – Forever In Faith.flac
03. Bandari – Melody of Love.flac
04. Bandari – I Still Miss You.flac
05. Bandari – Blue Mountain.flac
06. Bandari – White Sand of Barbados.flac
07. Bandari – Starlight Bay.flac
08. Bandari – Asian Moon.flac
09. Bandari – Birds In the Sky.flac
10. Bandari – Flight of the Butterflies.flac
11. Bandari – Alone In the Night.flac
12. Bandari – Temple of Pearls.flac
13. Bandari – Fly To Paradise.flac
14. Bandari – Good Luck.flac

02.Song of the Angels.flac
03.Indian Summer.flac
04.Mars and Venus.flac
05.Dreaming in the Moonlight.flac
06.Love of My Life.flac
07.Sunset Valley.flac
08.Love Me Tonight.flac
09.If I Love Again.flac
10.Heaven on Earth.flac
11.Green Leaves of Spring.flac
12.Good Morning Sunshine.flac
13.The Way of the Wind.flac
14.For Your Heart Only.flac

01.Stille Nacht (Noche de Paz).flac
02.Süsser Die Glocken Nie Klingen (Bells Never Ring Sweeter).flac
03.Oh du Fr.hliche (Oh Santissima).flac
04.The First N.el (Primera Navidad).flac
05.Leise Rieselt Der Schnee (Gently The Snow Is Falling).flac
06.Jingle Bells.flac
07.Heidschi Bumbeidschi.flac
08.Sleigh Ride (Lerov Anderson-Mitchelle Parish).flac
09.The Little Drummer Boy (El Peque o Tamborilero) (Kathrine K. Davis-Henry V. Onorati).flac
10.Fr.hliche Weihnacht überall (Alegre Navidad).flac
11.We Wish You A Merry Christmas.flac
12.Amazing Grace.flac
13.White Christmas (Navidades Blancas).flac
14.Mary’s Boy Child (Jester J. Hairston).flac
15.Morgen Kinder wirds was geben.flac
16.Adeste Fideles.flac
17.Wiegenlied (Canción De Cuna) (Brahms).flac
18.Ave María (Bach-Gounod).flac

01. Bandari – Love Dreams.flac
02. Bandari – Misty River.flac
03. Bandari – River of Paradise.flac
04. Bandari – God Bless Our Country.flac
05. Bandari – Sea of Clarity.flac
06. Bandari – The Day Before Beginning.flac
07. Bandari – Autumn In Spain.flac
08. Bandari – Children of Atlantis.flac
09. Bandari – Star of Hope.flac
10. Bandari – Blue Sky.flac
11. Bandari – First Rose In Spring.flac
12. Bandari – Castle of the West.flac
13. Bandari – Magic Winds.flac

01.Dark Side Of The Sun.flac
02.Theme Of Universe.flac
04.Past Time.flac
06.Pan’s Dream.flac
07.Irish Greens.flac
08.Autumn Wind.flac
10.Peace Of Oa.flac
11.The Deep Blue Sea.flac
12.Rudi’s Theme.flac

02.Marco Polo.flac
03.Raindrops on Your Face.flac
04.Summer Waltz.flac
05.Black Windmill.flac
06.Japanese Girl.flac
07.The Wings of Icarus.flac
08.Theme from Missing.flac
09.Sparkling Raindrops.flac
10.Blue Love Theme.flac
11.A Day Without Rain.flac
12.Aqua Blue.flac
13.White Moon over Tibet.flac
14.Love Letter to You.flac

01.The Way To Heaven.flac
02.Athair Ar Neamh.flac
03.Kiss Of A Fairy.flac
05.Night Waltz.flac
06.White Sand Shore.flac
07.The Golden Harp.flac
08.The Colours Of Love.flac
09.The Day Of Truth.flac
10.Sea Of Clarity.flac
11.Clear Sky Over The Mountain.flac
13.Garden Of Peace.flac
14.Rose Of Tralee.flac
15.The Holy Flame.flac

Bandari – 01.Turning.flac
Bandari – 02.Dream catcher.flac
Bandari – 03.Beyond the sundial.flac
Bandari – 04.Adagio in minor.flac
Bandari – 05.Zarabanda.flac
Bandari – 06.Glary season.flac
Bandari – 07.Lauren.flac
Bandari – 08.Give me your hand.flac
Bandari – 09.The soong sister.flac
Bandari – 10.Ortaffa.flac
Bandari – 11.Beyond the invisible.flac
Bandari – 12.Hymn.flac
Bandari – 13.The golden land.flac
Bandari – 14.Break out.flac

01.Indian Dreams.flac
02.Magic Winds.flac
03.Endles Horizon.flac
05.After the Rain.flac
06.Birds over the Rainbow.flac
07.Fly Away.flac
08.Along in the Night.flac
09.Nights of Barcelona.flac
10.Indian Summerrain.flac
11.Song of the Mayas.flac
13.Machu Picehu.flac
14.Solar Winds.flac

01. Time to Say Goodbye.flac
02. Jessie.flac
03. Everything I Do ( I Do It for You).flac
04. A Groovy Kind of Love.flac
05. Please Forgive Me.flac
06. The Power of Love.flac
07. One More Night.flac
08. My Heart Will Go On.flac
09. Wish You Were Here.flac
10. All Out of Love.flac
11. Take My Breath Away.flac
12. The First Cut Is the Deepest.flac
13. Diamante (Diamond).flac
14. Ballad for Lovers (Theme for Catherine).flac
15. Everybody Loves Somebody.flac
16. Tonight I Celebrate My Love to You.flac
17. With a Little Help from My Friends.flac
18. Goodbye My Love Goodbye.flac
19. Only You.flac
20. Can’t Help Falling In Love.flac
21. To Love Somebody.flac
22. You Are My World.flac
23. Woman.flac
24. Love Is Blue (Colours of Love).flac
25. Do You Remember.flac
26. To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before.flac
27. Love Hurts.flac
28. If You Leave Me Now.flac
29. Endless Love.flac
30. When a Man Loves a Woman.flac
31. Morning Has Broken.flac
32. Chanson D’ Amour.flac
33. Moonlight Serenade.flac

01. My Song For You.flac
01. The Sound of Silence.flac
02. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You.flac
02. Raindrops On Your Face.flac
03. La valse d’Amélie.flac
03. Sacrifice.flac
04. Mystic Zone.flac
04. Nuit Magique.flac
05. Dreaming In the Moonlight.flac
05. Voices.flac
06. La Provence.flac
06. Strangers In the Night.flac
07. Song of the Angels.flac
07. The First Snowflakes.flac
08. Candle In the Wind.flac
08. Portrait (Out of the Blue).flac
09. All Out of Love.flac
09. Forever Love.flac
10. Ballad of the Highlands.flac
10. Heaven On Earth.flac
11. Fallen Embers.flac
11. The Miracle of Your Eyes.flac
12. I Don′t Want to Miss a Thing.flac
12. The Soong Sisters.flac
13. Beatrix.flac
13. For Your Heart Only.flac
14. Ballade Pour Adeline.flac
14. Indian Summer.flac
15. Sailing.flac
15. Sound of the Waves.flac
16. Twenty Eight Parallel.flac
16. Watermark.flac
17. A Day Without Rain.flac
18. West Across the Ocean Sea.flac

01. Stonehedge.flac
01. The Memory Of Trees.flac
02. For The First Time.flac
02. Loveletter To You.flac
03. Believe Me.flac
03. Blue Venus.flac
04. Scottish Hills.flac
04. Track 3 From the Movement S.E.N.S..flac
05. Far From The Earth.flac
05. Pictures of Paradise.flac
06. Starry Sky.flac
06. Victim of Love.flac
07. Loveletter To You.flac
07. New Morning.flac
08. Mandy’s Song.flac
08. September Morning.flac
09. Beyond The Invisible.flac
09. Sayonara.flac
10. Goodbye Little Susy.flac
10. Love Is My World.flac
11. I Believe In You.flac
11. The Winter Song.flac
12. Childhood Memory.flac
12. The Day of Truth.flac
13. Spiracle.flac
13. The Winter Song.flac
14. Just When I Needed You Most.flac
14. Way of Life.flac

01. Heal The World.flac
02. Pan’s Dream.flac
03. Moon Over Cairo.flac
04. What A Wonderful World.flac
05. Indian Summerrain.flac
06. Secrets Of Love.flac
07. Bridge Over Troubled Water.flac
08. In The Air.flac
09. My Song For You.flac
10. The Deep Blue Sea.flac
11. Annie’s Song.flac
12. Melody Of Hope.flac
13. Somewhere Out There.flac
14. Neptun.flac
15. One More Night.flac

01.Golden Wings.flac
02.Neptun .flac
04.New Morning.flac
05.Starry Sky .flac
06.Mother Nature.flac
07.The First Snowflakes.flac
08.Sunset Glow .flac
09.Tenderness .flac
10.The Purple Butterfly .flac
11.Melody Of Love.flac
12.Spring-Water .flac
13.Blue Lagoon .flac
14.Morning Sun.flac

01.Orinoco Dreams.flac
02.Beyond the memory of Man.flac
03.May it Be.flac
04.Lonely Whistler.flac
05.Serenade in Green.flac
06.Adagio of the Highland.flac
07.Incredlble Stars.flac
08.Crystal Ball.flac
09.World of Difference.flac
10.River of Dreams.flac
11.The Holy Garden.flac
12.Careless Eyes.flac
13.Into the West.flac
14.The Lady and the Earl.flac
15.Dragen Heart.flac

01.Caribbean Blue.flac
02.Rainbow River.flac
03.Hijo De La Luna.flac
04.The Book of Life.flac
06.Mystic Zone.flac
07.Lonely Hearts.flac
08.Celtic Waltz.flac
09.The Glory Way.flac
11.Morning Mood.flac
12.Winter Dreams.flac
13.La Valse D’Amelie.flac
14.Law of the Lord.flac

01. Comptine d’un autre été (du film Amélie Poulain).flac
02. The Sound Of Silence.flac
03. Maybe Sometime.flac
04. African Winds.flac
05. Mars And Venus.flac
06. Autumn Wind.flac
07. Rudi’s Theme.flac
08. Goodbye My Love Goodbye.flac
09. Love Of My Life.flac
10. The Miracle Of Your Eyes.flac
11. I Dreamed A Dream.flac
12. Peace Of Oa.flac
13. Silence.flac
14. La valse d’Amélie.flac

01.One day in spring.flac
02.The miracle of your eyes.flac
03.Morning air.flac
04.Breath of the wind.flac
07.Mountain stream.flac
10.Heaven’s gate.flac
11.Earth melody.flac
12.My song for you.flac
13.Melody of hope.flac

01. Smile of an Angel.flac
02. Wonderful Morning.flac
03. Rara Avis.flac
04. April.flac
05. Earth Melody.flac
06. Irish Lullabye.flac
07. Flying High.flac
08. Last Day of Winter.flac
09. Solitaire.flac
10. Peace On Earth.flac
11. Love Me Tonight.flac
12. The Ancient Light.flac
13. Let It Be.flac
14. Blue Love Theme.flac
15. The Long Way Home.flac

02.Endless Horizon.flac
03.Mountain Stream.flac
05.The First Snowflakes.flac
07.Fly Away.flac
08.The Purple Butterfly.flac
09.Melody Of Hope.flac
12.Indian Summer Rain.flac
13.Morning Air.flac

01. Siah Zangi.flac
02. Masho Masho.flac
03. Moje Karoon.flac
04. Tazeh Aroos.flac
05. Abadan.flac
06. Doktare Bandar.flac
07. Musike Khaly.flac
08. Doktar Siah.flac
09. Bandari.flac
10. Abroo Meshki.flac
11. Zan Amoo.flac
12. Kheyeh.flac
13. Musikee Khaly.flac

01. Chariots Of Fire.flac
02. Northern Lights.flac
03. For Your Eyes Only.flac
04. Silver Valley.flac
05. Fernando.flac
06. Orinoco Dreams.flac
07. Didn’t We Almost Have It All.flac
08. Sun Over Island.flac
09. Conquest Of Paradise.flac
10. Hiroshima.flac
11. Glory Of Love.flac
12. La Carretera.flac
13. Theme From _Missing_.flac
14. My Heart Will Go On.flac
15. Hymn.flac

01.El Condor Pasa.flac
02.The Sounds Of Silence.flac
03.I Swear (1).flac
05.Chariots Of Fire.flac
07.One Moment in Time.flac
08.Song For The Lord.flac
09.Into Red Velvet .flac
10.If You Leave Me Now.flac
11.I Want To Know What Love Is.flac
12.Tim’s Lullaby .flac
13.Moments of Fantasy .flac
14.Airy Voices .flac

01. Silence.flac
02. Moon Over Cairo.flac
03. Mother Nature.flac
04. Mars and Venus.flac
05. Indian Summer.flac
06. Beyond the Memory of Man.flac
07. Moment of Good-Bye.flac
08. Melody of Love.flac
09. The Deep Blue Sea.flac
10. Breath of the Wind.flac
11. Song for the Lord.flac
12. The Winds of Change.flac
13. One Day In Spring.flac
14. Sunset Glow.flac
15. The Miracle of Your Eyes.flac
16. Airy Voices.flac
17. Your Smile.flac
18. Jupiter.flac

01.A Woodland Night.flac
02.Childhood Memory.flac
03.Irish Lullaby.flac
04.Whistle of wind.flac
05.Irish Meditation.flac
07.Children’s Eyes.flac
08.Greek Meditation.flac
09.Just a Little Smile.flac
10.Flying High.flac
11.White Sand of Barbados.flac
12.Moonlight of Capri.flac
13.African Meditation.flac
14.Goodbye Little Susy.flac
15.Peaceful Life.flac

02.Holy Spirit.flac
03.Eternal Ring.flac
04.Holy Water.flac
05.First Rose in Spring.flac
07.The Foggy Dew.flac
08.Temple of Pearl.flac
09.Children of Atlantis.flac
10.Shadow on the Sky.flac
11.The Long Way Home.flac
12.Misty River.flac
13.Princess of the Moon.flac
14.The Ancient Book.flac
15.Rara Avis.flac

01.Magic Winds.flac
02.After The Rain.flac
03.New Morning.flac
04.Golden Wings.flac
05.The Miracle Of Your Eyes.flac
06.Indian Dreams.flac
07.Earth Melody.flac
08.Birds Over The Rainbow.flac
09.Machu Picchu.flac
10.Breath Of The Wind.flac
11.Song Of The Mayas.flac
12.Mother Nature.flac
13.Solar Winds.flac
14.Sunset Glow.flac

01.Another Dimension.flac
02.More Than Words.flac
03.The Two Shepherds.flac
04.The Minstrel’s Tale.flac
05.Light Of Emotion.flac
07.When Silence Was Born.flac
09.Field Of Tears.flac
11.Welcome To Heaven.flac
12.Late Autumn Day.flac
13.Blue Lagoone.flac
14.The Lady And The Unicorn.flac
15.Wonderful Glider.flac

01. Moon River.flac
02. Rainbow River.flac
03. Your Smile.flac
04. Laterna Magica.flac
05. Storms In Africa.flac
06. May It Be.flac
07. Scottish Hills.flac
08. The Way to Avalon.flac
09. Bright Eyes.flac
10. Airy Voices.flac
11. Jessie.flac
12. A New Star.flac
13. Clouds.flac
14. Once Upon a Time In the West.flac
15. Only If.flac
16. The Celts.flac
17. The Winds of Change.flac
18. Song for Guy.flac
19. I Believe I Can Fly.flac
20. Fallen Embers.flac
21. Song of the Mayas.flac
22. The Best Friend.flac
23. Angel On Earth.flac
24. Nights of Barcelona.flac
25. What a Wonderful World.flac
26. Venice.flac
27. One More Night.flac
28. Watermark.flac
29. Somewhere Out There.flac
30. All By Myself.flac
31. Love Can Build a Bridge.flac
32. Forever In Love.flac
33. Wish You Were Here.flac
34. Love Me Tender.flac
35. Dreamer.flac
36. Dream On.flac
37. Listen to Your Heart.flac
38. Diamante.flac
39. Maybe Sometime.flac
40. Nothing Compares 2 U.flac
41. Don′t Know Much.flac
42. Will You Be There.flac

01. Annie’s Song.flac
02. Diamonds.flac
03. Annie’s Wonderland.flac
04. Sacrifice.flac
05. My Love (Il Volo).flac
06. Melody Of Hope.flac
07. Morning Air.flac
08. Tim’s Lullaby.flac
09. The Power Of Love.flac
10. La Provence.flac
11. Moment Of Goodbye.flac
12. Tell Him.flac
13. Wish You Were Here.flac
14. The Miracle Of Your Eyes.flac
15. The Sound Of Silence.flac
16. Endless Horizon.flac
17. Melody Of Love.flac
18. Who Wants To Live Forever.flac
19. Moon Over Cairo.flac
20. Indian Summerrain.flac
21. Moments Of Love.flac
22. Candle In The Wind.flac
23. Trilogy.flac
24. Springtime.flac
25. Blowin’ In The Wind.flac
26. Windmills.flac
27. Pan’s Dream.flac
28. Arrival.flac
29. Heal The World.flac
30. Ozero Baykal.flac
31. In The Air.flac
32. Rudi’s Theme.flac
33. The Sun In The Stream.flac
34. Long Way To ‘Nka Ea’.flac
35. The Last Unicorn.flac
36. The Golden Land.flac
37. Pole Star.flac
38. The Deep Blue Sea.flac
39. Jupiter.flac
40. Behind The Horizon.flac
41. Right Here Waiting.flac
42. Beyond The Memory Of Man.flac
43. Show Me Heaven.flac

01.Melody Of Love.flac
02.Birds Of Paradise.flac
03.Whisper In The Dark.flac
04.Stars Over The Rainbow.flac
05.Shepherds Dream.flac
06.The Way To Avalon.flac
07.Peace In Our Valley.flac
08.Peaceful Nature.flac
09.West Across The Ocean Sea.flac
10.Golden Butterfly.flac
11.The Ancient Light.flac
12.Pictures Of Paradise.flac

01.Ei Condor Pasa.flac
02.One Day In Spring.flac
02.The Sound Of Silence.flac
03.I Swear.flac
03.Melody Of Love.flac
05.Chariots Of Fire.flac
07.Along In The Night.flac
07.One Moment In Time.flac
08.Song For The Lord.flac
08.Starry Sky.flac
09.Into Red Velvet.flac
09.My Song For You.flac
10.Heaven’s Gate.flac
10.If You Leave Me Now.flac
11.I Want To Know What Love Is.flac
11.Morning Sun.flac
12.Blue Lagoon.flac
12.Tim’s Lullaby.flac
13.Moment Of Fantasy.flac
14.Airy Voices.flac
14.Nights Of Barcelona.flac

Bandari – 01.Beatrix.flac
Bandari – 02.One Day In Spring.flac
Bandari – 03.Melody Of Love.flac
Bandari – 04.Neptune.flac
Bandari – 05.Fairyland.flac
Bandari – 06.Visions.flac
Bandari – 07.Along In The Night.flac
Bandari – 08.Starry Sky.flac
Bandari – 09.My Song For You.flac
Bandari – 10.Heaven’s Gate.flac
Bandari – 11.Morning Sun.flac
Bandari – 12.Blue Lagoon.flac
Bandari – 13.Nebula.flac
Bandari – 14.Nights Of Barcelona.flac

01.The wind of change.flac
02.Annie’s wonderland.flac
03.Star of Baghdad.flac
04.The daylight.flac
05.Annie’s song.flac
06.Laterna Magica.flac
08.Your smile.flac
09.La Provence.flac
10.Little mermaid.flac
12.Three times a lady.flac
13.Mandy’s song.flac
14.The best friends.flac


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