林志炫,1966年7月6日生于台湾,歌手、音乐制作人、DJ、“鸡尾酒唱法”发明人、“ONE take”音乐理念倡导者。1991年与李骥以组合“优客李林”出道,同年发行首张专辑《认错》即获百万销量 。“优客李林”于1995年解散,林志炫暂别歌坛 。1997年,林志炫复出歌坛 ,先后推出个人代表作《散了吧》、《蒙娜丽莎的眼泪》、《单身情歌》 。2000年组建炫音音乐有限公司成为独立音乐人,提倡回归音乐本质 ;2005年为追求音乐品质发行了全程模拟录音的《熟情歌》和《原声之旅》 ;2008年开始推崇“ONE take”演唱理念,告别录音室,并先后推出现场录音专辑《擦声而过2》及《one take》 。截止2013年底,林志炫已发行24张专辑,7度入围台湾金曲奖 。2013年9月,开启“ONEtake林志炫1314世界巡演”之旅 。演艺事业外,林志炫长期致力于公益事业,现任台湾癌症希望基金会董事 。
林志炫 More Than Words
Written:Nono Bettepcount Gary Cherons
Saying 'I Love You' is not the words
I want to hear from you.
It's not that I want you not to say
But if you only knew how easy it would be
to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do
To make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was turn in two
More than words
To show you feel that your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I Love You
More than words.
Now that I've tried to
Talk to you And make you understand
Or you have to do is close your eyes and
Just reach our your hands and touch me hold me close.
Don't ever let me go
More than words is all that ever needed you to show
Then you woudln't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was turn in two
More than words
To show you feel that your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I Love You
More than words.
More than words.
More than Words.
More than Words.