孟庭苇,1969年12月22日出生于台湾高雄,原名陈秀玫,中国台湾女歌手。1989年出演广告开始演艺生涯,1991年以一首《你看你看月亮的脸》成 名。随后演唱的歌曲《冬季到台北来看雨》、《谁的眼泪在飞》、《羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄地开》、《风中有朵雨做的云》在华语地区流行。2000年底宣布退出演 艺圈。2001年推出个人首张佛教音乐专辑《阿弥陀佛》。2004年12月21日宣布复出。
Like flower in the spring
Our love has blossom into life
The air is filled with love and everlasting happiness
Like the birds up in the sky that pass us by
Feeling free and nothing can disturb them
Don’t you know the love I have for you cannot be measure by the hours
Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night
And words ain’t enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside
No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn.
The love I have for you can not be measure by the hours
Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night
And words ain’t enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside
No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn.
The love I have for you can not be measure by the hours
Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night
And words ain’t enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside
No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn